Friday, March 03, 2006


The Bible has known
For aeons
That civilization is bad
The cradle of evil.

It is bad when people sit together
On one spot, for too long.
Nearly all cities in the Bible
Are bad and rotten and sinful

Like Enoch, founded by Cain
After having slain his brother
Because he was loved more by God.
Founded, before there where people around.

Gadara, Gehenna, Sodom, Gomorra
Hellfire, Sodomy, Adultery
Dancing around Idols.
Foolery of all kinds.

These are pastimes
Enjoyed by O so many people.
They want to make it in the cities.
They dislike solitude.

They prefer a swirl of artificial colours,
And the ever-changing world of technology,
To the gently shifting daylight,
And the timelessness of art.

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